
Breaking open the Scriptures

The sermon is an important part of our worship together. It’s the chance to hear the Scripture broken open and ways that it applies to our lives today. It helps us to think through the ways that God wants us to be and behave in the world.

You can find the latest sermons from St. Francis below, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

On God’s Appearing

St. Francis of the Islands
St. Francis of the Islands
On God’s Appearing

On Jeremiah, and Inclusion

St. Francis of the Islands
St. Francis of the Islands
On Jeremiah, and Inclusion

On Light, and God’s Word

St. Francis of the Islands
St. Francis of the Islands
On Light, and God’s Word

On the Incarnation

St. Francis of the Islands
St. Francis of the Islands
On the Incarnation

On Psalm 121

St. Francis of the Islands
St. Francis of the Islands
On Psalm 121